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Creating a new event

1. Log into your ChamberMade account by clicking on the navigation bar drop-down menu, and click on log in. You’ll be taken to the log in page where you can enter your username and password.

2. Administrators will be taken directly to your dashboard, while members will be taken back to the chamber homepage. Members can use the navigation bar drop down to select ChamberMade to be brought to their dashboard.

3. On the dashboard, look for the black create button in the top right. A drop-down menu will appear. Select event from this menu

4. You will be taken to the Add Event page. This is where you will create an event that will appear on your chamber’s events calendar.

5. Give your event a title in the Event Title text field at the top of the page.


6. Choose the appropriate event type in the Event Type menu found on the right column.

7. Directly below the Event Type menu, select an appropriate category in the Event Category menu.

8. Scroll down until you see the Event Data section. This is where the bulk of your event information will be entered.


9. Indicate if this is an online event by selecting yes or no.

If it is not an online event, provide the name of the venue your event will be hosted in the Event Location field.

10. Include the ZIP or postal code in the available Postal Code text field. (Please note that the Event Location and Postal Code fields will not be available if your event is an online one.)

11. Include an image for your event in the Event Banner field by clicking on the Upload button (if the Upload button is not yet available, click add file).

12. A new window will open. This is your chamber’s media library. Choose your image from the images already available in your chamber’s library through the blue Media Library button at the top of the window, or upload your own image with the grey Upload Files button (the button will turn blue once clicked).

13. Click Use File in the bottom right corner of this window and you’ll return to the Add Event page.

14. Provide an email that attendees can use to contact the event coordinator in the Registration email/URL text field.

15. If you have a video related to your event available, include the URL in the Video URL text field. This can be left blank however.

16. Indicate your event’s start date and end date in the Start Date and End Date fields.

17. Provide the time your event starts and ends in the Start Time and End Time text fields.

18. When is the cut off for your attendees to register for the event? Indicate this in the Registration Deadline field.

19. Provide the maximum number of participants to your event in the Registration Limit field.

20. You may wish to collect additional information from your participants, including any dietary requirements they may have. Do you need this information for all attendees, or just the one purchasing a ticket to your event? Indicate this with the Attendee Information Collection Type check boxes provided.

21. Specify the type of additional information in the Attendee Information to collect box. You can choose one or all of the four options provided: attendee name, attendee email, dietary restrictions, and notes/comments. This will allow your attendees to enter this information when they register to attend.

22. Is this a one-time event or will it repeat at regular intervals? If it repeats, use the Event Recurrence drop-down menu. You can choose from daily, weekly, monthly, or yearly recurrences.

23. If your event does repeat, indicate by what interval in the Repeat Every field. For example, if your event repeats once a month, then enter a 1. If it occurs every five weeks, enter a 5.

24. If your event repeats indicate how long it will repeat for by choosing an end date in the Repeat Until field.

25. If your event repeats weekly, you’ll have to choose which day of the week in the Day Name field that will appear. If it is repeated monthly, you’ll have to indicate whether it occurs on the same day each month, or a specific day per month. Do so through the On The checkbox that will appear.


26. Indicate how long you wish your event listing to appear in the Listing Expiry Date field.

27. Will attendees have to pay for tickets? Scroll down to the Tickets section close to the bottom of the page and indicate whether tickets can be obtained for free, a cost, or through donation.

28. If there is a fee to attend your event, choose +Paid Tickets from the three options in blue.

a. You will have to give your ticket an appropriate name in the Give your ticket name field.

b. Enter the number of tickets available in the enter number of tickets field.

c. Indicate the price per ticket in the ticket price field.

d. Provide a description of these tickets, if you choose, in the tell your attendees more about this ticket type text field.

e. Will the attendee pay for the tickets, or the organizer? Use the pay by attendee/pay by organizer drop down menu to choose.

f. Choose whether tickets are visible to the public or just to the organizer of the event with the public/private drop-down menu.

g. Indicate the minimum and maximum number of tickets that are allow per order in the minimum tickets allowed per order and the maximum tickets allowed per order fields, respectively.

h. When will you begin and end selling tickets? Indicate in the fields provided. This includes the sales start date and ticket sales start time fields, as well as the sales end date and tickets sales end date fields.

29. If your tickets are free, choose +Free Tickets option from the three options in blue.

a. You will have to give your ticket an appropriate name in the Give your ticket name field

b. Enter the number of tickets available in the enter number of tickets field.

c. Provide a description of these tickets, if you choose, in the tell your attendees more about this ticket type text field.

d. Will the attendee pay for the tickets, or the organizer? Use the pay by attendee/pay by organizer drop down menu to choose.

e. Choose whether tickets are visible to the public or just to the organizer of the event with the public/private drop-down menu.

f. Indicate the minimum and maximum number of tickets that are allowed per order in the minimum tickets allowed per order and the maximum tickets allowed per order fields, respectively.

g. When will you begin and end selling tickets? Indicate in the fields provided. This includes the sales start date and ticket sales start time fields, as well as the sales end date and tickets sales end date fields.

30. If your attendees can obtain a ticket through a donation, choose +Donation Tickets option.

a. You will have to give your ticket an appropriate name in the Give your ticket name field.

b. Enter the number of tickets available in the enter number of tickets field.

c. Indicate the price per ticket in the ticket price field.

d. When will you begin and end selling tickets? Indicate in the fields provided. This includes the sales start date and ticket sales start time fields, as well as the sales end date and tickets sales end date fields.

e. Provide a description of these tickets, if you choose, in the tell your attendees more about this ticket type text field.

f. Will the attendee pay for the tickets, or the organizer? Use the pay by attendee/pay by organizer drop down menu to choose.

g. Choose whether tickets are visible to the public or just to the organizer of the event with the public/private drop-down menu.

h. Indicate the minimum and maximum number of tickets that are allow per order in the minimum tickets allowed per order and the maximum tickets allowed per order fields, respectively.

31. Once you’ve got your ticket information entered to your satisfaction, click Save all tickets in the bottom left.

32. Read over your entry. Make sure all information is correct and properly formatted. If you’re a site administrator, click publish and your event will instantly appear on your chamber’s events calendar.

If you are a site member, click Submit for Review and an administrator will review your submission and, so long as there is nothing missing or incorrect, publish it to the events calendar.

All done!

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