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Generating Reports

Your ChamberMade site can automatically generate a number of reports, including the number of orders, subscriptions, taxes collected, and stock quantities, in a customizable time frame depending on your needs.

1. Log into your ChamberMade account by hovering over the navigation bar drop-down menu, and clicking on log in. You’ll be taken to the login page where you can enter your username and password.
2. As an administrator, you will be taken directly to your overview page. From here, locate the E-Commerce tab in the left-hand column and click the < arrow for more options.

3. Click on Reports from the options available. You will be brought to the reports page and will be able to choose from one of five categories of reports: Orders, Customers, Stock, Taxes, and Subscriptions. Click on the type of report you wish to generate.

a. Orders: Selecting Orders will allow you to generate reports based on five subcategories: Sales by date, Sales by product, Sales by Category, Coupons by Date, and Customer downloads.


i. Sales by date will report all sales within a defined period. You can choose from the predefined periods Year, Last month, This month, or Last 7 days. You can also set your own timeframe through the  Custom field available. Last 7 days will be selected by default.

ii. Sales by product will allow you to see how your products are performing. You can select a specific product in the Product search field, view your Top sellers, Top freebies, and get details on your Top earners by selecting among the options in the left column.

iii. Sales by category will allow you to generate a report based on the sales in any predefined category. These can include membership, ticket sales, and more. Multiple categories can be selected

iv. Coupons by date will generate a report showing the dollar value of discounts as a result of coupon use within your chamber. You can filter by specific coupons, or by the most popular coupons in your system.

v. Customer downloads will generate a report showing all the downloadable products that were downloaded in a set period.

b. The Customers category comes with two subcategories: Customers vs. guests and  Customer List.

i. Customers vs. guests will generate a report showing the ratio between purchases made by members of your chamber versus purchases made by guests to your site.

ii. Customer List will display all the customers in your database, along with the dollar amount they’ve spent in a defined period of time.

c. The Stock category will keep you up-to-date on the items in your inventory, through three subcategories:Low in stock, Out of stock, and Most stocked.

i. Low in stock will give you information about those products in your inventory that you’re running low on.

ii. Out of stock will generate a list of all products that you’re out of.

iii. Most stocked will show you the products you have plenty of.

d. The Taxes category is used to generate reports based on the amount of taxes collected by your chamber. There are two subcategories: Taxes by code and Taxes by date.

i. Taxes by code will generate a report showing the amount of taxes collected under each type of tax collected.

ii. Taxes by date will break down how much taxes were collected on each day of a set timeframe, as specified in the date bar above.

e. The Subscriptions category will generate reports based on five subcategories: Subscription Events by Date, Upcoming Recurring Revenue, Retention Rate, Subscriptions by Product, and Subscriptions by Customer

i. Subscription Events by Date will show the number of subscriptions over a set period of time, as selected in the date bar.

ii. Upcoming Recurring Revenue will report on all the renewal income expected over a defined period of time. This includes fees, taxes, and shipping costs.

iii. Retention Rate will give you a report on the number of unended subscriptions over a set period of time.

iv. Subscriptions by Product will generate a report showing the membership package types, the number of subscriptions in each package type, the recurring value of those subscriptions, and the average lifetime value of each.

v. Subscriptions by customer will break down the number of active subscriptions per customer, the total valid subscriptions they’ve had, along with total number of subscriptions that customer has made, whether pending or invalid. You can also learn the total value of each customer’s total subscription contribution.

4. No matter the type of report you seek, each can be downloaded to your own device as a comma-separated values (CSV) file with the ↓ Export CSV button found at the top right of the generated report.

All done!

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