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Creating a new page

While your ChamberMade product comes preloaded with pages traditionally found on a chamber of commerce website, you may have reason to add your own page. Adding a new page is done in two parts.

Part 1:

1. Log into your ChamberMade account by clicking on the navigation bar drop-down menu, and click on log in. You’ll be taken to the log in page where you can enter your username and password.

2. Administrators will be taken directly to your dashboard, while members will be taken back to the chamber homepage. Members can use the navigation bar drop down to select ChamberMade to be brought to their dashboard.

3. On the dashboard, look for the black create button in the top right. A drop-down menu will appear. Select page from this menu.

4. You will be taken to the Add New Page page. This is where you will create a page that will appear on your chamber’s website.

5. Give your page a title in the Add title text field. The title will likely appear on your homepage navigation bar.

6. Then click on Edit with Elementor to open the Elementor application.

7. See “Editing with Elementor” for more information on using the Elementor app.

8. Save your page as a draft using Elementor’s green button on the bottom left of your screen.

9. Click the hamburger button in the top left corner and select EXIT TO DASHBOARD once you are satisfied with the look of your page.

10. Once the page is edited to your liking, click the publish button. You can also save it as a draft and return later, or preview it to see what the finished product looks like.


Part 2:

1. Return to your dashboard and click Appearance on the left column. You may have to scroll down to find it.

2. You’ll be taken to the appearance page. Here, you can change where different pages can be found within the chamber’s home page navigation bar. Under the Pages menu, locate the page you just created in Part 1 (In this example, the Santa Claus Parade page will be used).

3. Click the box next to your newly created page and hit the Add to Menu button. Your page will then be added to the very bottom of the other pre-loaded pages present.

4. Drag your new page to the appropriate position. For example, if you want your page to appear under the “programs and events” drop down menu, drag it underneath the “programs and events” section.

5. Additional options for your page can be found by clicking the down arrow on your page’s box. This includes the ability to remove the page from your site altogether. Note this will not delete your page, but it will not be accessible by visitors to your site.

6. Once you are satisfied with the position of your new page, click the “Save Menu” button on the bottom right of the window.


All done!

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